Kathryn Long
Kathryn Long
Kathryn Long resides in Green, Ohio, and as a retired teacher, she loves spending time writing mysteries and romantic suspense. Her passion is writing mysteries, creating the intricate details and weaving them together into the clues which the reader will enjoy collecting to solve the crime, whether it’s romantic suspense, cozy or paranormal mystery. Her most recent publication is A Deadly Deed Grows with Wild Rose Press. Releasing this year are Buried in Sin and When I Choose. She also has self-published a mystery series, The Lilly M. Mysteries. She stays active on social media, where you can find her on Facebook, Twitter, and her blog. www.kathrynlongauthor.com; her blog www.kjlong-teacherwriter.blogspot.com; Facebook pages: Author Kathryn Long and Kathryn Long's Books and Goodreads.