D.M. Pulley
D.M. Pulley
Before becoming a full-time writer, D.M. Pulley worked as a professional engineer, rehabbing historic structures and conducting forensic investigations of building failures. Her structural survey of a vacant building in Cleveland inspired her debut novel, The Dead Key, winner of the 2014 Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award. The disappearance of a family member formed the basis for her second historical mystery, The Buried Book, and her third novel, The Unclaimed Victim, delves into the dark history behind Cleveland's Torso Killer. Her newest book, No One’s Home, is slated for publication in September. The abandoned buildings, haunted houses, and indelible characters of the Rust Belt continue to inspire her work. Pulley lives just outside Cleveland, Ohio, with her husband, two sons, and a dog named Hobo. https://www.dmpulley.com/